Our little Nutter Butter at 11 weeks!
So far the best day of pregnancy, getting to see the baby.
I cried, as I heard the tiny heart beat.
Seeing the baby swirl around, doing flips, it melted my heart.
I finally felt like a mother, and would gladly continue in all of my misery,
for this little person growing inside of me.
I suddenly felt so protective,
Every time I coughed the baby would jump around on the screen,
I thought for sure, I could never cough again,
what if it hurts the baby when I do?
I could surely never sleep on my belly again.
What if baby doesn't have room to twirl?
We got home and I quickly began to "google"
I had to know what was safe....
I've since coughed again...
but it's always followed by a smile,
because I know my Nutter Butter just jumped around!
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